Rocky Hill Rabbits

Welcome to Our Site!
The best way to get a certain breeding/color is to message me and let me know you would like to be put on the list and just let me know what breed and gender and color you want and I'll add you to the list.
Fall breeding has started, get on the list now. We are expecting pedigreed blue New Zealands, partially pedigreed white and black New Zealands and different varieties of pedigreed Rex.
We are always happy to answer any questions you may have about getting started with rabbits.

Please check out all our pages, bookmark us, and of course, contact us if you have any questions. We love answering your questions about health care, breeding, or anything else you aren't sure about and we also love getting updates from buyers.


We proudly support 4H, FFA, and other programs that encourage kids to get outside and get involved like Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc. If your kids are thinking about showing in the county fair or just wants to get started with rabbits, let us know. We can provide any help you need in getting started.
We are located in Pocahontas, Arkansas.

Why Raise Rabbits?
There are many benefits to raising rabbits.
With 50 recognized breeds, there are many breeds to fit your needs.
With the price of groceries going up, rabbits are a great way to provide meat for your family and are relatively inexpensive to raise, considering one pair of meat rabbits can produce over 100 pounds of meat in a year.
Rabbit meat is also very healthy and leaner than chicken and any recipe that uses chicken can easily be swapped out for rabbit meat.

Besides growing your own meat, you can also use rabbit droppings for garden fertilizer, you can sell the fur or use it for crafts, and you can breed and sell the offspring to make money to offset the cost of raising them, or even make a nice profit if you have enough breeders.
Rabbits are also a good choice if you are limited on space.
Kids can learn responsibility by taking care of rabbits and even venture into showing rabbits.
Rabbits are a lot of fun and can be a great hobby or a commercial breeding/meat production.