Rocky Hill Rabbits

Available for Sale
Please check out what we have for sale. I will always include as much info as I can on every rabbit but if you have any questions or would like to see more pictures, please don't hesitate to ask. At this time, due to people backing out or changing their minds, we will NOT hold a rabbit. I include the date they will be available on the In The Nestbox page. If you are interested in a rabbit, contact me once the rabbit is close to being old enough to leave and make pick-up arrangements. Please refer to our policies.
If you are looking for something in particular let us know and we'll help you find what you're looking for, even if we don't have it :)
For babies that will be available soon, check out In the Nestbox.
Purchase Policies
1. Rabbits may be picked up at a public place, usually Harps grocery store at the appointed date and time. In some circumstances; buyers coming a long way and purchasing multiple rabbits we may be able/willing to meet somewhere closer.
2. No rabbits are to be sold under 8 weeks.
3. We can refuse a sale to anyone for any reason we deem fit.
4. If you purchase a pedigreed rabbit, you will get the pedigree in hand at time of purchase.
5. Every effort is made to ensure you buy a 100% healthy animal and as such I do not offer a health guarantee or refund/exchange. There are simply too many things that may be the reason for the rabbit's death and we have no way of knowing if it was our fault or the new owner's fault. Please look over the Helpful Information articles. I am always willing to help with any questions you may have.
6. I check gender at 4 weeks, and again several times before the rabbit leaves the property. I'm pretty good at getting it right, but in the rare case I mess up and give you the wrong gender you may return it for the correct gender.
7. We have a "closed" rabbitry, meaning visitors are not allowed in the rabbit barn. This is done for health and safety reasons.
8. We can ship rabbits anywhere in the 48 states via transporters. Payment must be made before the rabbit leaves. Due to inherent risk associated with transporting multiple rabbits from different places, we offer NO HEALTH GUARANTEE and you accept all risks! We can refer you to a reliable rabbit transporter also. We provide hay and feed for the trip and transition feed. Pedigrees can be emailed beforehand so there's no risk of the transporter losing it en route.
For Sale
Pedigreed New Zealands DOB: 11-13-2024
Fancy Like x Pretty Boy
RHFP6-Broken blue buck $50

RHFP4- Blue doe $50

RHFP2-Blue doe $50