Rocky Hill Rabbits

Medicinal Plants and their Purposes
This list is compiled of information found on other websites and they are tested as being safe for rabbits, however, you should always research anything before deciding to use it. Many people swear by the use of herbs and plants to heal wounds, sooth digestive disorders, increase milk output, and many more.
I have tried to find accurate pictures of the plants to help you identify them. This is a HUGE list, so please be patient as I work on adding more information :)
Birch- it is safe for rabbits to chew and it provides pain relief, it is an anti-inflammatory, and a diuretic (increases urine flow)
Black Oil Sunflower Seeds- they can be fed in small amounts to help add weight, they also condition the coat.
Blackberry- berries and leaves; they have a cooling effect by increasing circulation, stimulates the appetite, helps relieve diarrhea. The leaves are a safe introductory green for young rabbits.
Blue Cohosh-it induces labor and is useful for a stuck kit or difficult labor. *Do Not feed to pregnant does until they are due or overdue!
Borage-it is a laxative, increases milk flow in nursing does, fever reducer, stress reducer
Chamomile-it is a pain reliever, calms a nervous rabbit. To treat eye infections, prepare a cup of Chamomile tea with raw honey, heat to just warm, and place the tea bag on the eye 2-3 times per day.
Chickweed- anti-inflammatory, heals cuts, and helps with molting
Coltsfoot- it is a respiratory expectorant
Comfrey- it speeds healing, aids bone formation/growth, good for sick,stressed, or weak rabbits and stimulates the appetite. It calms rabbits, good source of vitamin A, aids digestion, good for pregnant and nursing does, helps treat wool block(hairballs). Use in small amounts...too much can cause diarrhea!
Dandelion-can use entire plant; purifies the blood, relieves respiratory issues,anti-inflammatory, relieves bladder infections, anti-diarrhea, increases milk flow, relieves constipation, and tests have shown it is effective against pneumonia, bronchitis, and upper respiratory infections.
Echinacea-feed fresh or dried, or purchase capsules. 4 Capsules can be boiled in water then added in rabbit's drinking water. It is anti inflammatory, has anti-viral properties, antiseptic for wounds, and antimicrobial. In low doses it is an immune system stimulant, and in high doses it acts as a broad-spectrum antibiotic.
Elder Flower- respiratory expectorant and fever reducer
Eucalyptus- in a dried and powdered form it can be sprinkled on as a flea repellent
Eyebright- heals weepy, infected eyes
Fennel- relieves bloating, gas, and increases milk flow
Garlic-provides immunization against diseases, it's an antiseptic, antibiotic, relieves bloating and gas, can be used as a dewormer and is a respiratory expectorant.
Ginger- treats infertility in bucks
Goat's Rue- increases milk flow
Golden Rod- anti-inflammatory